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Secure Attachment Policy Open


With Mornington being a secure email service, the attachments in the emails you Send/ Receive in are subject to the Secure Attachment Policy. The Secure Attachment Policy intends to protect the users from malicious files and attachments. Certain attachments containing executable/ program files may have destructive programs or malicious functions which perform phishing/ spamming/ malicious activities in the users system, and may even misuse the users identity. Hence to avoid such security threats, the emails with certain file attachments are blocked in Mail.

Attachment types that are blocked

The attachment types that are blocked by this policy include, but are not limited to, the following:

ade, adp, apk, appx, appxbundle, bat, cab, cer, chm, cmd, com, cpl, dll, dmg, exe, hlp, hta, ins, iso, isp, jar, js, jse, lib, lnk, mde, msc, msi, msix, msixbundle, msp, mst, nsh, pif, ps1, pst, reg, scr, sct, shb, sys, tmp, url, vb, vbe, vbs, vxd, wsc, wsf, wsh, terminal, cod.

Apart from the above extensions, if the file type is a executable or a script or a code file, the file cannot be sent by email.

The emails with these attachments will not be Sent/ Received and will be bounced back. This also holds true if these file types are placed in a zip file. That is, even if one file among the many in a zip archive contains any of the above mentioned file types, it will not be sent/received.

Posted 2 years agoby mccladmin
#72235 viewsEdited 2 years ago

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